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The Diplomatic Accelerator

Where the startup mindset meets the world of diplomacy and takes it to the future.

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About the Accelerator

The InnoDip Accelerator bonds diplomacy, technology, and innovation to form a powerful program that combines theory and practice. It is meant for diplomatic officials working at foreign services anywhere in the world, as well as start-ups and tech companies with relevant technology and knowledge.


The Accelerator focuses on the diplomatic needs and challenges of the 21st century and enables participants to re-examine their work methods. Participants work closely with tech entrepreneurs and use cutting edge solutions to advance their goals and promote a more efficient and accurate diplomatic and business conduct.


By collaborating with the diplomatic and tech ecosystem, participants are able to promote effective decision making and maximize economic diplomacy opportunities. The InnoDip Accelerator provides them with a customized platform that identifies their needs and finds the perfect matching solutions.

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